We are very excited to invite you to Spring Gathering 2025 14th - 16th March 2025 at Millport Field Centre on the Isle of Cumbrae (pdf with more details)
Bookings are CLOSED and the event is FULL. However, we are expecting some cancellations so please contact us to be placed on a reserve list. If you have already booked then you can use the "My Booking" link in the menu to view your booking.
Demonstrators this year are Elaine Humpleby, Janene Waudby and Michelle Young-Hares. A fabulous mix of making styles with Janene and Elaine both offering some hands-on experience during the weekend. Check out their pages for more information and links to their websites/social media.
The weekend will have all our usual activities, but with a couple of significant changes. First, the booking system is quite different as we need to manage shared rooms - Check out the Prices & Accommodation link and the Booking Process link before heading to the My Bookings link. Second, Spring Gathering is on an Island this year so the timings are a little different; please do not arrive at the Field Studies Centre before 4pm on the Friday (unless you have been requested to by the committee), and demonstration sessions will finish at 3pm on the Sunday. Check out the travel link for more info on getting to Millport. Finally, please do read our updated T&Cs as there are significant changes to our refunds policy.
Demonstrations are only one part of our exciting Spring Gathering. In addition, we have the following regular features:
- Mug swap
- Anne Lightwood Award
- Members display area
- Raffle
- Supplier(s) shop
- Saturday night ceilidh (optional fancy dress)
- For sale table
- Home baking
Of course, we all know that a major part of the Spring Gathering is the chance to network, catch up with old friends, make new friends and talk until you are hoarse about all things pottery.
As usual we will be looking for lots of volunteers to make quick work of setting up, packing up and cleaning as well as for all sorts of other tasks. We will have sole use of the venue, but as a condition of that we have to leave the place as we found it.
To give everyone a chance to get making, the details are as follows:
Mug Swap
We ask everyone attending to bring along a mug. On arrival, you deposit your mug on the table in the Lecture Hall, adding a raffle ticket inside your mug and keeping hold of the counterpart - you will need this part to claim your swap mug. Just before the AGM on Saturday afternoon, the tickets are swapped around and you take home the mug now containing your ticket.
Anne Lightwood Award
Please bring along your best pot and place it on the display table. Prior to the AGM, the three invited demonstrators will choose the winner who will be presented with a certificate and prize at the AGM. New for 2025 will be a members award – all members being encouraged to vote for the piece that most appeals to them – details of how this will be done tbc.
Members’ Display Area
If you would like to display some of your pottery, for sale or just for show, bring along a small selection with some business cards or flyers and place them in the display area.
Members are asked to bring a piece of pottery or pottery related items to donate to the raffle. Tickets will be sold on arrival and throughout Friday and Saturday and the raffle will be drawn after the AGM.
All of these activities are optional but it is fun to take part.
FANCY DRESS THEME: Coastal Creatures!
We want to see your best swimming, crawling, diving or mythical impressions.
The photographer, Shannon Tofts, is not able to join us this year but we are looking forward to seeing him again next time.
Ash Lim, Kettles Pottery Supplies, will be there, details TBC.
More details and documents will be added to this page when information becomes available.