Throwing session :
The throwing demo will cover some basics, if needed, and then will focus on throwing
curved forms and narrow necks. At the end, you will have a good understanding of the
anatomy of different curved forms, how to achieve the curved shape you want, and a
narrow neck, and how to avoid obvious pitfalls.
Smoke-firing session :
There will be an initial discussion of the basic theory behind smokefiring, with lots of
examples of work using different techniques ranging from the “Chuck it in with random
stuff and hope” approach to saggars and the effects of different raw materials. There
will be a smokefiring demonstration using bisqued vessels. Bring your own bisque fired
one or two pots to fire – no taller than 15cm so that we have enough space for everyone.
Direct message or email Janene if you want to ask any question about how to prepare
the bisqued pieces (clay, terra sigillatta, burnishing etc). At the end of this session, you
will have a sound understanding of smokefiring theory and you will be able to easily
smokefire your own pieces using different techniques to get a wide variety of different
Read HERE about how to prepare your pot for the smoke firing.
About me :
Janene (“Jay”) is a potter inspired by the natural environment. Her work has variously
reflected textures and colours found in the sea at low water, moonlit night skies, broken
shells, sea bird cliffs, and lichen encrusted rock. Jay uses various smokefiring
techniques as well as slip transfer to capture these surfaces. Jay had what her parents
call a “proper job” until 2015 and she has been a full time potter since then. Jay learned
the basics at night school and everything else has been learned from experimentation in
her studio.
@jwaudbyceramics / /