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Opportunities at Craft Scotland

The Market for Craft Report– Scotland Launch
Event date: 11am, Tuesday 29 September 2020

Join Craft Scotland for the launch of The Market for Craft report at 11am, Tuesday 29 September via Zoom (free). Learn more about The Market for Craft report, coordinated by the Crafts Council and seven UK partners including Craft Scotland and Creative Scotland.

Craft Scotland’s Chair, Catherine Holden will be joined by Clive Gillman (Director, Creative Industries at Creative Scotland), Julia Bennett (Head of Research and Policy, Crafts Council) and Gerri Morris (Morris Hargreaves McIntyre, the researchers and report authors) to highlight some of the key findings from the report.


MAKE | Learn: Call for researcher(s)
Applications due by 5pm, Friday 2 October 2020

MAKE and Craft Scotland are looking for researcher(s) to work on a research paper for MAKE | Learn, a new project focusing on craft education in Scotland.

MAKE | Learn is designed to strengthen Scotland’s craft sector, raise the profile of Scotland’s craft sector and develop engagement with Scotland’s craft sector by a diverse audience and user group.

This work is expected to take place from November 2020 – June 2021. Please read the full information pack before applying (link opens PDF).


COMPASS: Fundamentals of Selling Online for Makers
Sign up before 11am, Tuesday 13 October 2020

Selling online is a great way to broaden your audience reach, connect with existing customers and reach new customers.

This workshop with Veronique AA Lapeyre (Head of Communications & Digital, Craft Scotland) will give you the tools to create enticing product listings, get your website noticed and create a smooth shopping experience for yourself and the customer. Open to both makers and craft venues.

This is the second webinar in Craft Scotland’s new five-part COMPASS: The Market for Craft Series focusing on the market for craft.

Join our Advisory Group
Applications due by 5pm, Saturday 19 October 2020

We have an exciting opportunity for 3-4 makers, curators and craft industry professionals to join our Advisory Group.

The Advisory Group advises the Craft Scotland team and Board twice yearly on new developments and more. The Advisory Group is separate from our Board and members participate on a voluntary basis for a two-year term.

We are keen to have as broad a representation of the sector as possible the group will be representative of lived experiences, gender, disciplines/practice and geographical spread.