Thrown and hand-built forms, ranging from domestic ware to small sculptural pieces.
Informed and inspired by my surrounding shores and hills of Argyll, my glazes reflect the ever changing weather and earthy colours of the hills. I include elements of the land into my finished work. Often using unprocessed foraged clay to allow the breakthrough of inclusions, or pressing sand into surfaces to melt, crater or bubble. I enjoy the unpredictability of these results and the challenge of letting go and allow exploration of these materials.
Informed and inspired by my surrounding shores and hills of Argyll, my glazes reflect the ever changing weather and earthy colours of the hills. I include elements of the land into my finished work. Often using unprocessed foraged clay to allow the breakthrough of inclusions, or pressing sand into surfaces to melt, crater or bubble. I enjoy the unpredictability of these results and the challenge of letting go and allow exploration of these materials.
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