From a hobby which started over 25 years ago to a way of life. I believe pottery should evoke pleasure, happiness and be enjoyed as often as possible.
I create functional pieces using the wheel and hand built techniques. I enjoy layering glazes to capture our beautiful Scottish landscapes from West Coast seascapes to mountains and glens.
There is always time to explore sculpture, mostly working on the human form and nature. Using simplicity to capture mood and movement.
I offer lessons from my studio (it is a small studio so these are from one to three students at a time)
If you would like to see what I get up to: I am happy to welcome visitors by appointment. I exhibit at various events, attend various markets and take part in Perthshire Open Studios in September. I try to keep this information up to date on my website and social media platforms, so please get in touch via email or phone.
I create functional pieces using the wheel and hand built techniques. I enjoy layering glazes to capture our beautiful Scottish landscapes from West Coast seascapes to mountains and glens.
There is always time to explore sculpture, mostly working on the human form and nature. Using simplicity to capture mood and movement.
I offer lessons from my studio (it is a small studio so these are from one to three students at a time)
If you would like to see what I get up to: I am happy to welcome visitors by appointment. I exhibit at various events, attend various markets and take part in Perthshire Open Studios in September. I try to keep this information up to date on my website and social media platforms, so please get in touch via email or phone.
This member runs a class or course
This member has a workshop, studio or shop that is open to the public.